Sub Black Silk Toes

Sub Black Silk  Toes

Each greeted him and in turn archemedes chimed no in a smooth robot voice welcome Chris welcome Gina anything you need just ask and with that anastasia walked off they looked at each other grinned And said lets hit it they walked arond for about 5 hours and archemedes said it is lunch time please head back to the main hall and into the dining room and Lunch will be served as soon as they got to the dining room and sat down Anastasia pulled up a chair next to Chris quite close for comfort and started to ask about them she wanted to know all about them chris explained how he grew up in the slums of the east Boston projects and wasnt very sociable for fear of his well being and how he moved to Greece and then joined the navy and met Gina who then explained her upbringing on the other side of east Boston the heights projects and her struggles through school her acceptance to Boston Latin academy and her parents passing away after her 17th birthday in an accident which resulted in her joining the navy to serve her country and how they now live together with Chris's mom in east Boston Anastasia was staring intently at the 2 and then after the stories she explained herself and some rules she was apparently married to Athanasios Polemistis an inventor she married him at a the young age of 15 and moved to the states with him on a whim of a crazy idea he had about a weapon system that would conquer the market so he invented the Zeus Missile launcher a small camera controlled high explosive rpg that could eliminate an armored tank and it was the size of a 7-11 burrito and weighed about 17lbs at this moment both Gina and Chris started to ramble on how they were gunners mates in the navy and trained in a simulator in school on that weapon and how spartan industries created all the large weapons systems on the McGrath class destroyers anastasia was immensely happy that her late husbands company was so successful and 2 kids were so eager about it so as they started some more minor chit chat and finally finished and anastasia said to them you are welcome to stay weekends and use any of my recreational items from the game room to the indoor swimming pool under the condition they work from 9-5 each day they spend there after that they all separated and Gina and Chris kept in contact through walkie talkie a lil thing Chris did before leaving the uss croft was snag an awesome set of throat walkies that were touch activated on the neck so they didn't need to carry heavier walkies around so Chris was on the east wing and Gina said she was heading to the north wing towards the greenhouses Chris came across a very large master bedroom so he yelled out hey archemedes who's room is this? Archemedes replied Chris this is mistress Anastasia's room Chris double took and wandered inside to check it out see if any maintenance was needed he walked immediately across the from the door to the window and noted that the double pane glass inner glass had a large crack running through the middle he looked around also noticed that the ceiling needed stucco work which he also notated he turned and almost lost it as Anastasia was standing there in a robe and said in the most seductive tone any woman could muster can I help you with something Chris? Chris looked at her dumbfounded and Said. Go home [b]Character and setting background for the story

Scene is Boston East Boston and Saugus Massachusetts

Chris drives his moms car most of the time and is Savin for his own car

Chris – college hockey star odd jobs and maintenance guy prior Navy 2nd class stationed in japan on destroyer as a gunners mateBC student double majoring mythology and teaching to become a mythology professor 23years old weapons expert martial artist and fraternity brother in ΧΛ

Anastasia – widow cougar extremely rich (owner of Spartan weapons systems leading suplier of arms to the USA) 40 yrs old body of a 25yr old extreme sex drive wicked kinky

Gina- Chris' best friend genius coworker tattoo artist met in the Navy from day 1 boot camp till their discharge dates in 2012 same rate and rank 24yrs old BC Student for graphic design and physics weapons expert sorority sister in ΔΓ

Johnny – Chris' boss owner of “helping hand inc (maintenance general and house work landscape company need it fixed a helping hand goes a long way) prior Navy boatswain mate chief petty officer

Coach Wolfe- Chris hockey coach life mentor and best friend of Chris deceased dad 48yrs old prior NHL star played for San Jose then was injured and his career was killed

Mom – Chris mom and greatest counselor she has never steered him wrong disable Chris pays rent buys food and all the house work he doesnt let her do anything although when he's at work she does house work and cooks when he pleads with her not to 53yrs old

So it's all about a normal guy named Chris he was not the coolest kid in his child hood didnt get all the girls never vrry popular bit of a geek ar heart but he had a great upbringing his mom raised him with respect for anyone whom deserved it and was raised to have the upmost respect for women in general she went through a rough patch with his criminal father had h deported back to Greece and she divorced him when he was 2 they lived in east Boston until he was about 14 she sent him to live with his dad for a few years in Greece he went to school and worked as a carpenter and all around handy man with his dad and played soccer which gave him an awesome build he was cut like a diamond strong as an ox and since he was half Italian half Greek he was a charming and was very sociable fluent in english French Greek Italian spanish latin and German and spoke enough Japanese mandarin and Russian to get by and live in a city all this on insistence of his grandmother who taught him all but English he left Greece after his father passed away in an accident and left him everything and once he was done with high school he made th trip back to the states back to east Boston and decided to join the navy on his 18th in September and left for boot camp that same winter on the plane to boot camp he met an attractive Tom boy girl by the name of Gina the 2 became best buds and ended up in the same division and then the same classes in there rate school which was to be a gunners mate or a weapons expert(GM for short)they both got orders and to their surprise they were sent to the same ship as unclassed GMs they flew off and stayed in Japan for 4 years Chris had become a member of the ships special forces squad for boarding other ships and Gina was a rescue swimmer as secondary duties they were alway hanging with each other and were called the Boston Gunner Twins they both made rank within 4 years and left the navy honorably as 2nd class petty officers with high honors and multiple letters of commendation and navy marine corps achievement medals they were requested to stay and continue as sailors but both longed to return home after processing out in silver dale Washington and becoming civilians again they went back to their beloved BeanTown and found a job through a helping hand inc owned by Johnny treyview he was prior navy and was more than happy to hire them then both applied to college and after scoring immensely high on the SAT exams they were both excepted to Boston College under their majors and attended that coming fall and worked I've the summer the next 2 years Chris and Gina did amazing at school joined a fraternity and a sorority continued to hang out Gina was an artsy type and started to do tattoos and Chris let her do the practice work on him Chris had become the star of the hockey team in his freshman year leading bc to win the bean pot which is the NCAA Stanley cup scoring the winning goal as an alternate originally just a bench warmer he wasn't supposed to play but the captain was injured and rushed to the hospital as a result Chris gain his moment in the sun and took it and fucking kicked ass he triple deked the goalie and score the winning goal with.

Hentai: [PP-PIG]black Silk[ENG]

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